Welcome to Wild Heart Books
We are a traditional, royalty-paying publisher of Christian Historical Romance. Our readers love exciting historical stories, complete with heroes to make them swoon, strong heroines, and inspirational messages to encourage their faith. We publish to a very small niche, and that's part of what makes us successful!
If you have a passion for writing Christian Historical Romance stories, check out our Submissions page to see if we're the right fit for you!
If you have a passion for writing Christian Historical Romance stories, check out our Submissions page to see if we're the right fit for you!

Misty M. Beller ~ Publisher and Jack-of-all-trades
Wild Heart Books' publisher is Misty M. Beller, a Christian Historical Romance author with many years' experience in both indie publishing and traditional publishing with small and large publishers.
With over thirteen years working in professional project management and marketing, Misty uses her experience in the corporate world to develop best practices in her writing and book marketing efforts. It is her passion to help other authors on this same journey.
Wild Heart Books' publisher is Misty M. Beller, a Christian Historical Romance author with many years' experience in both indie publishing and traditional publishing with small and large publishers.
With over thirteen years working in professional project management and marketing, Misty uses her experience in the corporate world to develop best practices in her writing and book marketing efforts. It is her passion to help other authors on this same journey.

Janyre Tromp ~ Managing Editor
Janyre Tromp is an award-winning fiction and nonfiction editor, bestselling historical novelist, essayist, and ghostwriter. She has more than twenty years of experience in the publishing industry--splitting her time between acquisitions, developmental editing, and marketing. But her favorite thing to do is come alongside authors and help them succeed wherever they are on their journey.
She is the managing editor for Wild Heart Books and does pretty much whatever the crew needs in order to make sure the process runs smoothly and everyone has what they need in order to do their job well. In case you're wondering, you pronounce that first name Jan-ear . . . or anything close.
Janyre Tromp is an award-winning fiction and nonfiction editor, bestselling historical novelist, essayist, and ghostwriter. She has more than twenty years of experience in the publishing industry--splitting her time between acquisitions, developmental editing, and marketing. But her favorite thing to do is come alongside authors and help them succeed wherever they are on their journey.
She is the managing editor for Wild Heart Books and does pretty much whatever the crew needs in order to make sure the process runs smoothly and everyone has what they need in order to do their job well. In case you're wondering, you pronounce that first name Jan-ear . . . or anything close.

Denise Weimer ~ Acquisitions & Editorial Liaison
North Georgia native Denise Weimer has authored over a dozen traditionally published novels and a number of novellas—historical and contemporary romance, romantic suspense, and time slip. With five years of experience as a freelance and small press editor, she’s helped other authors reach their publishing dreams. A wife and mother of two daughters, Denise holds a journalism degree with a minor in history from Asbury University.
Though she loves her red pen (aka track changes), she wields it with the kindness of an author who's also been on the receiving end of the editing axe. She's forever on the hunt for a story that brings the past to life as she experienced participating in living histories and vintage dance. When she escapes from her editing/writing desk, she flees to hike in the mountains, tour old buildings, and hide in cute coffee shops.
North Georgia native Denise Weimer has authored over a dozen traditionally published novels and a number of novellas—historical and contemporary romance, romantic suspense, and time slip. With five years of experience as a freelance and small press editor, she’s helped other authors reach their publishing dreams. A wife and mother of two daughters, Denise holds a journalism degree with a minor in history from Asbury University.
Though she loves her red pen (aka track changes), she wields it with the kindness of an author who's also been on the receiving end of the editing axe. She's forever on the hunt for a story that brings the past to life as she experienced participating in living histories and vintage dance. When she escapes from her editing/writing desk, she flees to hike in the mountains, tour old buildings, and hide in cute coffee shops.

Sarah Erredge ~ Editorial/Production Assistant
As the Editorial/Production Assistant, you can usually find Sarah Erredge secretly falling in love with manuscripts as she implements proofing and galley changes. She’s takes a manuscript from the point it’s ready for formatting, as well as prepping the back cover blurb, listing on retailers, and being the all around point-person for anything production related.
As the Editorial/Production Assistant, you can usually find Sarah Erredge secretly falling in love with manuscripts as she implements proofing and galley changes. She’s takes a manuscript from the point it’s ready for formatting, as well as prepping the back cover blurb, listing on retailers, and being the all around point-person for anything production related.

Sherri Wilson Johnson ~ Marketing and Accounting Assistant
Georgia native Sherri Wilson Johnson is a multi-published romantic suspense author and an assistant to publishing professionals. When not working or writing, she's most often found putting a jigsaw puzzle together while watching crime or medical dramas and simultaneously dreaming of being at the beach. Since 2012, she has served countless professionals in the publishing world, including authors, agents, publishers and speakers, and finds her duties at Wild Heart among some of her favorites.
Sherri wears many hats as part of the Wild Heart Books team. She helps man the newsletter, website, and Facebook page, as well as corraling the (fantastic) review team. In addition, she processes royalties, which makes her the favorite staff member of every WHB author. :)
Georgia native Sherri Wilson Johnson is a multi-published romantic suspense author and an assistant to publishing professionals. When not working or writing, she's most often found putting a jigsaw puzzle together while watching crime or medical dramas and simultaneously dreaming of being at the beach. Since 2012, she has served countless professionals in the publishing world, including authors, agents, publishers and speakers, and finds her duties at Wild Heart among some of her favorites.
Sherri wears many hats as part of the Wild Heart Books team. She helps man the newsletter, website, and Facebook page, as well as corraling the (fantastic) review team. In addition, she processes royalties, which makes her the favorite staff member of every WHB author. :)

Robin Patchen ~ Editor
Robin Patchen is a multi-published award-winning author and freelance editor specializing in Christian fiction. With her trusty red pen, she's slayed countless plot holes and defeated the dreaded grammar gremlins. She's been known to leave cheeky comments in the margins of manuscripts, sprinkling her edits with humor like confetti.
Robin Patchen is a multi-published award-winning author and freelance editor specializing in Christian fiction. With her trusty red pen, she's slayed countless plot holes and defeated the dreaded grammar gremlins. She's been known to leave cheeky comments in the margins of manuscripts, sprinkling her edits with humor like confetti.